Action Figures are BACK, Baby! December's Patreon WINNER! Frickin' LASERS! And a Whole lot MORE!

The Toypixx Newsletter

January 12, 2025


Things are starting to ramp up when it comes to Toypixx! First, I'll be moving into the new office on February 1, where I'll have the room to shoot plenty of pics and videos, not to mention a nice space to work on the website.

As for pics, videos, and the website, I'll be focusing (heh heh) a lot more on the photography aspect of action figures photography. That's because Toypixx needs a big-time differentiator in the ol' action figure zeitgeist. That doesn't mean you won't get my thoughts on figures, you'll just get them in a different kinda format. Besides, there are a ton of reviewers out there, so I wanna highlight how to make the figures work for you.

The Toypixx website will get a lot more updates! The videos will happen, well, a lot more, and you'll still be getting prompt pics from Monday to Friday across all kinds of various social media platforms.

You're just gonna have to let me set up and buy a Keurig first.


Looks like we're already back up to speed as far as photogenic preorder quantities are concerned!

A lotta great stuff went up for preorder this past week. I even dig some of the Marvel Legends, Marrow in particular. SHF went nuts, even getting us a Jackie Chan action figure, and Maestro Union's getting us a second Blade Master Weng. And Stararc Toys got crazy with The Deep Ones. And I digs 'em!

Perhaps the things I'm most excited about is pretty much anything and everything Action Force related, especially those hand and head packs. Talk about being able to give your figures some attitude!

But that's just me. What caught your eye in this past week's preorders? Be ready to talk about a lotta these on Monday's livestream at 7:00 PM EST.

NOTE: Entertainment Earth, eBay, and HobbyLink Japan links are affiliate links, which means I get a cut of the sale at no extra cost to you

Blade of Miquella - EE

Click Here→

Ichigo Kurosaki - EE

Click Here →

Officer Chan - BBTS

Click Here →

Kamen Rider Faiz - EE

Click Here→

Cyclops - EE

Click Here →

Fabian Cortez - EE

Click Here →

Gambit - EE

Click Here→

Husk - EE

Click Here →

Marrow - EE

Click Here →

Nightcrawler - EE

Click Here→

Wolverine - EE

Click Here →

Luke - EE

Click Here →

Blade Master Weng - BBTS

Click Here→

First Turtles - BBTS

Click Here →

Synja Commando & Mousers - BBTS

Click Here →

The Deep One Orange - BBTS

Click Here→

The Deep One Purple - BBTS

Click Here →

Steel Brigade - BBTS

Click Here →

Garrison Cavalry - BBTS

Click Here→

Hand Pack Alpha - BBTS

Click Here →

Head Pack Alpha - BBTS

Click Here →

Pandora - BBTS

Click Here→

Trigger - BBTS

Click Here →

Hand Pack Bravo - BBTS

Click Here →


Now for some Patreon freebies! But first, Great War Gallery won December's photo contest with the following pic:

Congrats, sir! And thank you to all the contestants. December was a tight race! I almost had to come up with tie-breaking rules.

As for January's Patreon photo contest, the theme is "Action"! As for the rest of the details, including what the January winner will receive, you can find them here. As always, good luck to all the contestants!

Another set of Patreon freebies went out this week!

I was of two minds with wallpapers this week, creating both an apocalyptic city and a nice island paradise! As for the effects, I got pretty laser-y. At some point, I'm pretty sure I should come up with a piping hot steam effect for any and all coffee cup-wielding action figures.

And, of course, this week's hi-res image and Photoshop files.

Anyway, if ya dig any of 'em, go get 'em!

Apocalyptic City Wallpaper

Click Here →

Orange Laser Effect

Click Here

Islands Wallpaper

Click Here

Eye Lasers Effect

Click Here →

Hi-Res Image & Photoshop Files

Click Here


There weren't a lot of figures to talk about on Monday's livestream, so we chatted effects for toy photography. And man, did people have wonderful ideas!

Much of it centered on using hot glue to come up with all kinds of wind, water, fire, 'splosions, and a whole lot more effects. If you don't have tons of time for effect building, get some Tamashii Nations and Super Action Stuff effects. If ya do, get to gluin', baby!

Thursday, we chatted Marvel Legends, who are doing a lot better. I just need 'em to have ball-peg waists. We also chatted what's going on with Toypixx is 2025, and announced Great War Gallery as December's Patreon photo contest winner!

And all without loading up on the caffeine.

Click the replays to check 'em out, and remember to join us on the Toypixx livestreams every Monday and Thursday at 7:00 PM EST.

Photogenic Figures & Effects

Click Here →

Marvel Legends & 2025 Toypixx

Click Here →


It's time for yours truly to load up on some chow and get in some highly-caffeinated beveraging!

I hope your Sunday's nice and relaxing, and of course, that you get to shoot some ofnyour favorite figures.

Have fun, and happy snapping!


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