It's a weird thing to think about. Marvel Legends (and Toy Biz's Spider-Man Classics before it) were the main gateways to everything you've seen me do as far as videos, livestreams, and photos. So it's weird to think I may never get another one.
But after showcasing their brand-new Maximum Spider-Man, I realized the one thing I want them to do (make a ball-peg waist standard) will likely never get done. And that's okay. It just means Marvel Legends will continue to be for those other than yours truly.
On the plus side, Stan Lee, Galactus, Cowboy Logan, and the super-articulated Black Widow aren't going anywhere!
Unless of course MAFEX makes 'em.
I still maintain the big announcements and preorders won't go up until after New York Toy Fair 2025, which is this coming weekend (March 1 - March 4). And THAT, ladies and gents, is where there's not a lot that went up this past week.
But I need that Leatherhead, especially at the lower shipping rate than ordering directly from NECA. And maybe the Storm Arena Ryu. But that's just me, which of the following figures are you looking forward to adding to your collection?
Be ready to talk about a lotta these on Monday's livestream at 7:00 PM EST.
NOTE: Entertainment Earth, eBay, and HobbyLink Japan links are affiliate links, which means I get a cut of the sale at no extra cost to you
Another set of Patreon freebies went out this week! But first, this month's Patreon photo contest theme is still...
Test your toy photography mettle by joining the Toypixx Patreon page's $5.00 Grande Tier, than click here to see the rules and how to enter.
I can't believe it took yours truly this long to put up a wallpaper featuring dinosaurs! The other wallpaper's a nice, possibly pre-battle, background.
As for effects, there's another attempt at sparks. But the most fun one for is the '80's laser effects! Because now you can use '80's-style lasers for your Joes, your Cobras, your Autobots, and your Decepticons. Pew pew, baby!
Of course, last week's Photoshop and hi-res image files also went up.
Anyway, if ya dig any of 'em, go get 'em!
Monday's Photogenic Figures livestream was all about BLANKA!!! Okay, and some other figures, too.
Thursday, the good Matthew Matson (click here and here to check out his Instagram profiles) joined me as the chat discussed our action figure hopes and dreams for New York Toy Fair 2025. Spoiler alert: this coming Thursday's livestream will be a part 2 to the NYTF discussion.
Click the replays to check 'em out, and remember to join us on the Toypixx livestreams every Monday and Thursday at 7:00 PM EST.
It's time to drink a couple caffeinated beverages and decide on the rest of the day. Do I kick back and relax, or do I knock out some more Toypixx office painting so I can get in there faster?
My mind says paint, but my body may be a bit of a hold out. I hate when that happens.
Have fun, and happy snapping!